New York Islanders
Thank You Islanders Fans For This Past Year

Dear New York Islanders fans,
Happy New Year. What a year it has been.
This time last season, I was given the incredible opportunity to become Editor-in-Chief of NYI Hockey Now. I could never have expected what was to come.
For the first time in my professional career, I attended NHL games outside of being a hockey fan. I was given the ability to talk to players and coaches, and form relationships with the rest of the New York Islanders beat reporters, and Islanders staff, who all welcomed me in with open arms.
From colleagues to now friends, that’s been one of the best parts of the job.
I’ve been able to travel to incredible places and make memories that will last a lifetime.
It’s been like living a dream, a dream that I haven’t nor will I ever take for granted.
For those who did not know me before this season, that makes a lot of sense.
For a few years, I interned under the great Christian Arnold, who gave me my first writing opportunity during my sophomore year of college. A lot has changed since then, and I owe him big time.
I also would be remiss if I didn’t give a shoutout to my amazing girlfriend, Alyssa, who, back in January of 2018, helped me set up my Twitter account and pushed me to pursue my passion of covering the New York Islanders. Without her, I’m not sure if I would have ever taken the leap of faith.
Flash forward to 2022.
Over this past year, NYI Hockey Now has grown exponentially. We hit 1.1 million viewers, topping it off with a record-setting December with 190,000 views.
They say that if you love what you do, then you never work a day in your life. And while cliché, I live that every day.
From the people following me along from the very beginning to the ones who have joined this wild ride this past year, your support means more than you could ever know.
Stick tap to all, and let’s have a great start to 2023!
-Stefen Rosner